Saturday 29 December 2018

Post 9

Hi everyone today I am going to opinion about the things that I could change in my career.

Well, personally I can not have a good opinion or suggestion, since I have not had another university experience.

Personally I feel that the subjects I have had are just what I expected, although so far I have not had too many, the only subject that disappointed me a little was "reasoning and scientific communication", since this is the introduction to the career and I hope that it was more funny.

Something that maybe everyone in the faculty bothers us is that there is never a place to be, the places to have lunch are not many, also because of the stoppage and the reorganization of the schedules they only left us 1 hour of lunch and sometimes that is very little time.

Well,The workload, I think it is normal since we are in university, but if there is a motion to make the workload less heavy, I support it.

The things that I have known about this faculty are very few, so I do not know much about the things they have, but I have heard that for the degrees, something like post degree or cool research, there are very good teams, although I do not believe that they are the best, since the directive part of the faculty always says that there is no money for anything. Although what I like about technology in the faculty is that all the rooms have air conditioning.

On teaching methods the truth I don't know nothing, but sometimes you can see the lack of excited of teachers to teach.

Monday 3 December 2018

Post 8


In my opinion the recycling is really important because is a form of help the world and this is a problem of all world, for example the clean point that have the city sometimes work as they should and this is very stressful because the clean point should useful for everyone.

Barras bravas

 I think that the “barras bravas” have a problem in their brain because they do many crimes and the soccer is a sport enjoyable also that sport is beautiful because many people now see it, for example family, child, grandparent.


The abortion is a topic very difficult because many people talk about this topic and this do that give my opinion is very difficult, but I am going to try, so in my opinion the abortion is something really important because everyone has the right to have their decision about if want be parents or they not want to be parents, too I think that we have a think in the life of the child after of born.

Women in the military

 well, first I think that the military not should be, because the war is nasty and a really stupid, but since if military exists I am give my opinion about the woman in the military. The woman can do everything but I think that the woman be intelligent and for this reason they not should belong to the army, but finally the woman maybe help to the military for that the army would be better.